RŪNO is a healing space owned and operated by Ben Greatwich, an ANTA registered Naturopath, Herbalist & Remedial Massage Therapist.

A practice focussed on mindfulness, compassion & radiant natural health. It is a space to re-centre, balance & honour yourself. The primary offerings are massage/bodywork and tonic herbalism in the form of spagyrics.

To surrender ourselves in receiving healing touch, to bathe our cells in gentle rivers of nourishing vitality, to safely share our stories and feel heard & lighter for it. The mission here is to support us in connecting deeply with our humanity, sovereignty and body/minds in a world rich in distractions.

Ben has a keen interest in exploring somatics and feeling authentic in our bodies, inviting play, relaxation & simplicity. He loves a good laugh or a genuine heart-to-heart, and has a deep passion for plants and cultivating our inner and outer gardens.

Come get in touch and connect!

“My goal is to honour our humanity, promote simplicity, maintain our natural traditions and support radiant health & happiness”

— Ben Greatwich